Our team has designed a state of the art information and workflow management platform allowing corporations, various government agencies, municipalities and nonprofit and for profit organizations, that employ off site or out of the office employees in the fields of logistics, security, safety, maintenance, inspections and numerous other fields to manage, to oversee and to guide their employees and subcontractors efficiently and in real time by providing them and their managers with a completely integrated, information and workflow management system, that is constantly improved and optimized to provide an ever improving efficiency, effectiveness, empowerment and control over the way every procedure is handled, and where the system is a guarantee that all the steps required are followed perfectly and that all the required information is collected on the work being performed.
Currently our platform is utilized by over 600 customers, including a number of large cities, that utilize it for everything from managing their school and government building inspectors, maintenance workers and security, to managing their police forces and light rail workers. It is being used by shopping centers, and hotels, by oil delivery companies and large construction companies to manage all of their employees and their inventory, to manage their purchasing and their control over their subcontractors.
We are constantly developing new modules, and all of these modules are available to all of our customers, allowing for some amazing new ways of managing your people using the know how and skills and tools borrowed from other industries.As the system is designed to be completely integratable and modular, new ways to communicate with your employees, partners, sub contractors and other important individuals, are recognized by our organizations, and the usefulness of the whole eco system is improved for all.
Our wide range of tested and proven templates and our business management, consulting and integration services allow an organization to be up and running in a matter of hours, while still allowing for significant "best use for this client" improvements and any type of customization.
All the necessary information is gathered, processed and stored and is presented to all the agencies and management layers involved in every type of way that they require to be more productive and to deliver their services to the public and to their customers, and to the oversight agencies in the best way possible.
The whole system is designed from the ground up to constantly evolve and its architecture allows for the system to be easily improved and changed, to become better at handling all of its tasks, workflows and all of its support and management functions. It is a fluid ever improving system based on artificial intelligence and designed to be extremely flexible and inexpensive from the ground up:
Please contact us today to find out more about how our system can help you streamline your workflow and information gathering processes and procedures.
375 Park Avenue, New York, NY, 10152
FinestGov™ is a part of the Venture Fund Consortium™ Group of Companies.
Copyright 2017-2019. FinestGov.com™. All Rights Reserved.
Industries Serviced
a) extremely complex workflows and procedures could be implemented, changed and improved on the fly by non IT personnel to allow any of our customers to both save money and to perfect their procedures and their information gathering and delivery, to be as effective and as efficient as possible
- b) 99% of procedures and workflows could be created by simply configuring the system, without any need for additional development, although our team of experts is available to develop additional modules, quickly, inexpensively and efficiently for those unique cases where a new module is required, thus providing our customers with enormous cost savings, as 95% of the cost of such system implementation is in the additional development required.
- c) our team of experts have years of experience designing and implementing workflows and information gathering and reporting procedures for organizations of all types and sizes, and our team of experts is available to study the existing procedures of our customers and to recommend the most efficient and the most effective implementations and configurations, and our team can implement everything for our customers providing them with a completely customized turn key solution.
- d) as similar organizations have similar workflows and similar information gathering and reporting requirements and can benefit from studying the workflows of other similar organizations, and we have a lot of experience working with different size and type of customers across all industries, we have developed a set of easily implemented templates that a customer can observe, implement, and customize to their own needs, thus allowing them to use the experience of other organizations in the same industry whose procedures will most likely be almost the same or will meet 95% of the needs of the current organization. These templates can also be studied and the procedures in them can be combined, utilizing the best practices from other organizations just like yours. This procedures can be followed later in the implementations, as a smaller organization can get the benefits of larger organizations spending significant dollars on research and implementation, while a larger organization can benefit from a smaller organizations more innovative approaches and ideas, where financial or lack of resource constraints, might force them to develop unique cost saving solutions and workflows, thus creating a beneficial environment for all customers benefiting from each others experience and research
- e) Some companies provide solutions only for one industry, while other companies provide solutions designed to handle a certain type of a department or a certain type of task within an organization (logistics, security, safety, maintenance, delivery, inspection, information gathering, contract negotiation & management, subcontractor hiring & management, etc). Our system is designed from ground up to be flexible and to meet the needs of any type of a customer in any type of an industry, and implementing solutions for customers in one industry can benefit customers in another industry as solutions and implementations beneficial to one industry can translate into better results and unique solutions for customers in other industries who can now use solutions that can improve their overall performance. As an example, no one thinks about designing route improvement technologies when providing solutions to police departments, but since we are also implementing similar systems for logistical or package delivery companies, sophisticated route optimization technologies are available within our platform and any customer in other field can benefit by simply integrating those modules into their workflow.
- f) As our solution can be implemented for all departments within the same organizations, or for multiple organizations that need to share knowledge, (think neighboring municipalities, different federal agency, different departments within the same municipality or a municipality and a federal agency) and the system is designed from the ground up to be secure, where the information is safely protected and is only available to its owners, while at the same type is designed to be flexible enough where sharing of information between various customers or separate entities can easily be set up and managed thus sharing valuable information in real time with the permission of both customers, allowing for tremendous cost savings as the same information does not need to be collected twice and such reports can be combined to create a truly unique and valuable view at the workings of different programs and a real time interconnection and the creation of real time collaboration possibilities between different parties