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GPS Tracking


  GPS Tracking

The FinestGov™ GPS module is a comprehensive component that provides essential information for each field worker on duty.  This module provides up-to-the- minute location information for each field worker, including their current position and current route. GPS history data is a powerful tool that allows you to locate any employee, on any date, at any time during the route so you can determine exactly where they were and even track the rest of the selected route.


The FinestGov.com™ GPS timeline includes markers to indicate any actions performed by the field worker.  Clicking on the marker shows the location of the field worker and the action performed along with any data related to this action.


All GPS data is displayed on a satellite image map which provides an aerial view of your field worker’s location and can also be printed.




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FinestGov™ makes Field Operations and Facility Management  easy and efficient and offers numerous benefits in speed, efficiency, REAL TIME communication, instant access & knowledge, customer value, emergency preparedness and disaster and fraud prevention among numerous other benefits.