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Better Government

We believe that our democracy, our way of life and our freedoms are all dependent upon an efficient, honest and effective government, and such a government can only exist if our legislative and our administrative branches are provided with real time information and with in depth intel on the performance of each and every task, that government employees and government contractors are entrusted with. Through a combination of unique and state of the art technologies from "virtual supervisor" apps to artificial intelligence big data performance data analyses data centers, our systems are developed from the ground up to be extremely inexpensive to implement and to be easily fine tuned to the needs of any and all types of employees and contractors from security personnel and maintenance workers to inspection and data processing experts, from delivery drivers and law enforcement officers, to construction, industrial and military experts and purchasing departments and inventory handlers. Everyone's job can be made more efficient, easier to perform, and interlinked with numerous levels of managers, supervisors, and with the needs of the legislators and administrators entrusted with ensuring that the job is done well and in the right way, so that the citizens can get maximum value out of their government and to receive the most effective service and performance for their tax money. 

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FinestGov™ makes Field Operations and Facility Management  easy and efficient and offers numerous benefits in speed, efficiency, REAL TIME communication, instant access & knowledge, customer value, emergency preparedness and disaster and fraud prevention among numerous other benefits.