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outdoor and indoor Map Interfaces & Employee, ASSET and Issue Geo location Management. Geo Fencing & More 


Imagine being able to see all of your subordinates on one map in real time across numerous locations inside buildings and both while on location and on the road:

Having the ability to:

  • see what they have already completed,
  • see what they still have to do today, 
  • see problems or issues in real time as they arise,
  • reroute any and all of your employees and subcontractors in real time at a press of a button,
  • giving numerous levels of supervisors the ability to communicate with all of their employees and subcontractors securely in real time, on a one to all, one to many or one to one via secure chat, voice or video calling 
  • changing their schedule, their route or the next task they need to perform right in the system, without ever having to discuss it with them,
  • have your employees notified and guided through the changes in real time by a powerful AI Virtual Supervisor  that is always there to to assist, to guide and to help manage them. 


We can place NFC tags and other sensors on each individual asset, create Geo Fences inside certain indoor and outdoor locations so that you can track when your staff members or assets enter and leave certain rooms or locations, where GPS tracking is not feasible, and your employees can save time by finding assets in your system by simply scanning the attached tag.  Special Secure Identification Tags can also be used by your employees to mark themselves as present on the managers phone for their time sheets, or to log themselves into the system, combined with their password and fingerprint or a retina scan for extra security, if needed. An employee can also be asked to take a photo at a certain time from a certain location / or to fill out a certain form and all of this is automatically stored by the system to provide an audit trail in case of a lawsuit to show that all of the inspections, maintenance, tasks, security, deliveries or other route / scheduled activities were performed as .   

FinestGov™ makes Field Operations and Facility Management  easy and efficient and offers numerous benefits in speed, efficiency, REAL TIME communication, instant access & knowledge, customer value, emergency preparedness and disaster and fraud prevention among numerous other benefits.