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The Manager's Dilemma

Problems with out of the office employees and contractors

Trying to manage out of the office employees and contractors, better known as field or mobile workers, is a difficult task. Even with all of the technologies that we have today, from GPS tracking devices, to mobile phones, from having cameras almost on every phone, capable of taking and sending photos and videos, and being able to communicate via phone, text messages, and a dozen messaging and phone and video conferencing apps and services, the task of managing dozens or sometimes thousands of out of the office employees is truly monumental and managers of such employees have a difficult time trying to organize or to keep their troops in line, not to mention trying to spot waste, fraud, abuse or even people "sleeping on the job". It is impossible to use the word efficiency and effectiveness in the same sentence with this type of employment as it is extremely difficult to manage and to control such employees, especially if there are many of them and they are across vast distances, but sometimes even trying to manage a couple of dozen of unruly employees in a single location such as a hotel, a shopping center, in a commercial or a residential building or on a large ship, can be a monumental task all of its own.

 FinestGov.com™ provides a number of amazing solutions for this dilemma, from changing the way a manager can communicate with their out of the office employees, from changing the way the employees can now report on problems, and communicate across various departments and business functions, with a janitor being able to report a security concern, and a security guard being able to report a maintenance issue, to being able to involve the whole organization providing everyone withing the organization with real time access to information and to highly detailed reports covering anything the management can possibly want to know from the field.

But going a step further as long as different agencies or different partner companies or even neighboring systems are all interconnected on our system, the FinestGov™ Platform can provide both its customers employees and its management with ways to create pathways of communication and monitoring across organizations.

From the Department of Education, being able to see the results of the subcontractors maintenance, cleaning and security efforts at every school in their district to being able to compare that data with information from other districts or states, that wish to share such information with them, from having a head of a hotel chain being able to identify subcontractors who provide poor services that are not up to the promised standards or are lower then the other subcontractors, by being able to receive real time reports from his own systems, or being able to share such information with other hotels in their region, to change the way they hire their subcontractors and their employees. 

FinestGov.com™ offers all of these possibilities and so much more.


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FinestGov™ makes Field Operations and Facility Management  easy and efficient and offers numerous benefits in speed, efficiency, REAL TIME communication, instant access & knowledge, customer value, emergency preparedness and disaster and fraud prevention among numerous other benefits.