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Guaranteed Performance, Audit Trail, Cell Phone SENSORS




Our platform can utilize all of the sensors and the capabilities of the employees phone, while combining them with the NFC and Geo Tags, and our other products to make sure that the system knows when a task is actually being completed, as it was supposed to, or when the subcontractor is trying to skip a task, an inspection or other scheduled activity by trying to cheat the system.

Case Study: Shell Oil - When he didn't do it, but said that he did.

In an example that we like to provide to our customers, a manager at Shell Oil realized that an inspector who is supposed to inspect all of the couplings at an oil storage terminal is lying to him (as the inspector state that he has completed all the inspections on site, while the manager could clearly see that there were no footprints in the snow that has been lying on the ground for the past few hours. When we were hired to address this, we installed NFC tags on every coupling, and Geo fencing in every room, thus the system could now track each inspector in real time, and the manager would only be notified by the system now if the employees phone was not used in a combination with each of the NFC tags at each of the sites (a GPS can be used for this purpose for outdoor activities as well) to connect to the system and to mark of the time when the task / inspection was started and when it finished. In another example, the system can track or can send a manager a notification, if an employee working on a construction site, or in a similar level of a position puts down their phone, as a body sensor can be used to make sure that they are on the site and are working, and didn't leave the site for personal business without asking for permission or clocking out like they were supposed to.


Case Study: Home Care Providers

In case of a home-care provider, a fraud inspector, can now catch a service provider in the act of committing fraud, if they are currently logged in as being on the job, their phone is left at the customers house, but they have sneaked of to work on another job. There are numerous other applications for this and we welcome your thoughts, your ideas and questions. All of these features can be made optional, in case the employees union or the employees do not wish to submit to this level of organizational control, but on the other hand, it also helps the organization identify the solid employees who deserve a promotion, simply because they would keep all of their sensors on, despite the option of being able to turn it off. 

FinestGov™ makes Field Operations and Facility Management  easy and efficient and offers numerous benefits in speed, efficiency, REAL TIME communication, instant access & knowledge, customer value, emergency preparedness and disaster and fraud prevention among numerous other benefits.