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FinestGov™ Developer Partnerships


 FinestGov™ makes it easy for developers and large implementation partners to set up, customize and to build sophisticated platforms on top of the  FinestGov Framework™. With access to API, and a system built for "Drag and Drop" customization, everything was built to be customizable from the ground up. Your customers could be up and running in a matter of hours, by using our pre-built templates and tools, designed and prepared for each specific industry. While setting up a customer in any industry you can begin by trying out some of the preexisting sophisticated templates, or you can build your own. Everything is customization. Everything has API built for it. Everything is integratable and can be integrated with any other legacy system, or with your own code.  

With API's for analytic tools and reports, that can show the customer information about their whole organization that they were not able to collect before, and access to Java/C#/Javascript PS SDK wrappers around all of our API's for developer access our systems can be connected to any of the customers external workflow systems and can be integrated with any platform.

Even though the majority of our platforms are designed from the ground up to be fully customizable as almost everything is configurable, (you can add custom fields to objects, create workflow on the mobile apps using menus and their dependencies a non developer can design custom forms and and can even create interfaces to legacy applications with Excel or JSON without any development required, and there is access to CMD/BASH/PS scripts to automate all of this. All of Our API's are accessible by users. We make your job easy and are looking forward to helping both our non technical users and those with knowledge of coding to spend more time understanding the customers business needs and implementing them in useful business logic and less time actually writing code and developing.

We welcome partnerships on developing additional tools and AI bots, for the quickly growing marketplace of tools and accessories based on the FinestGov Framework™

FinestGov™ makes Field Operations and Facility Management  easy and efficient and offers numerous benefits in speed, efficiency, REAL TIME communication, instant access & knowledge, customer value, emergency preparedness and disaster and fraud prevention among numerous other benefits.