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FinestGov.com™ is all about efficiency, security and effectiveness. We believe in empowering our employees, our partners and our customers to do more with less. Imagine being able to do the same job with half of your employees, imagine being able to keep your work sites running smoother, to keep your hotels and cities cleaner, being able to keep your schools, church houses, temples and entire neighborhoods safer and to enable entire cities, entire countries and entire governments with millions of employees, to communicate with each other and to interconnect all of their employees, partners and stakeholders in unique and secure ways. All of this is now possible with FinestGov.com™ Platforms.



 We understand that progress has a price, and that when employers are able to do more with less, people can lose their jobs. It wont happen in every case, as the business owners who realize they can make more money per employee then they did before will actually hire more people as they expand rapidly. 

But we are prepared to create jobs that can be taken up by those, who have lost their jobs as the economies change, as technologies and robotics replace human labor, and as greater efficiency is created, where one person can now do the work of many. We are focusing our efforts on creating partnerships and on creating sales, marketing and service organizations who can attract and can handle the customers whom we supply with our technologies.


   Copyright 2017-2019. FinestGov.com™. FinestGov LLC. All Rights Reserved. 

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375 Park Avenue, New York, NY, 10152



We are focused on creating jobs for businesses owned by veterans, businesses owned by women and minorities, businesses owned by people with disabilities and businesses located in economically disadvantaged areas, or those businesses owned by individuals whom these new technologies have replaced or have made their job obsolete. We are here to help and to offer opportunities to those able and willing to pick up the phone and to start calling or is ready to begin knocking on doors, and talking to their connections about our products and services, which we believe can change entire industries, can greatly improve cities and companies that employ our technologies, and can change the world for the better.

FinestGov™ makes Field Operations and Facility Management  easy and efficient and offers numerous benefits in speed, efficiency, REAL TIME communication, instant access & knowledge, customer value, emergency preparedness and disaster and fraud prevention among numerous other benefits.