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Increasing Each Employees Responsibilities & connectedness

FinestGov.com™ provides a number of amazing solutions for our customers, from changing the way a manager can communicate with their out of the office employees, to changing the way the employees can now report on problems, and communicate across various departments and business functions. 


With a janitor, a customer or a sales person being able to report a security concern, and a security guard being able to report a maintenance issue, to being able to involve the whole organization providing everyone withing the organization with real time access to information and to highly detailed reports covering anything the management can possibly want to know from the field can save significant time and money, as employees can now take on roles, that previously they could not accomplish .

Case Study: 911 Call / Task Created by a Citizen in a FinestGov Citizen Interface App™

In a real life "city management" scenario of a 911 distressed call, a concerned citizen can simply use the app to "create a task", and report a noise complaint across the street.

All of the Police Officers in the area would see the complaint on their screens, and in an "Uber-like" fashion can accept it as their own. They can communicate using the same app with the concerned citizen, asking for more clarification via text, voice, or a video call right within the app and can save the city the significant expanse of the cost f operators, while also improving the ability to handle issues, while the same police officer can also easily forward this task to the animal control department right from within the app if he realizes that the issue belongs within another department in the city. These same functions are available and can be utilized by any other type of employees or contractors across any type of industry.   

FinestGov™ makes Field Operations and Facility Management  easy and efficient and offers numerous benefits in speed, efficiency, REAL TIME communication, instant access & knowledge, customer value, emergency preparedness and disaster and fraud prevention among numerous other benefits.