FinestGov™ Alert Module
The FinestGov™ Alert Module provides you powerful tools to ensure you and all of the necessary stakeholders are properly alerted to field activities and events, and are notified both when your mobile employees wish to contact you and when the AI system notices something unusual about the events and activities. You have full control over the notification system, and can set the system to alert you about certain events and occurrences. This keeps the supervisors and the managers free to do other things, without having to spend all of their time monitoring each worker or worrying whether the employees or the contractors are performing the planned activities at the right time, and in the way you wanted them performed.
With FinestGov™ Alert, you can keep focused on your regular daily activities, while the system watches and monitors your employees for you and only informs you when you have asked to be notified or when the employee wishes to notify you of an emergency. You can be notified via SMS or email, via prerecorded phone calls, or by receiving a video, an audio recording or a message with or without images from your employees in the field, or through a number of messengers or through our own secure communication platform, and all of these can be directed to you or any of your predefined contacts and stakeholders. The system can also send out multiple notifications to multiple contacts, at predefined time intervals, until the issue is resolved, whether its a potential terrorist threat, a fire hazard, frozen pipes, or just a leaking faucet.
Furthermore, your field workers can also initiate and report events during the route, and you will be informed instantaneously so you can react immediately and accordingly.
In addition, you can also notify your customers, your partners, your service providers, or other third parties with any information related to this visit and to this event or occurrence by simply sending them an SMS or email directly, or adding them to the list of "need to be notified once or until resolved", and you can easily set the number of times they are to be contacted how often and through which communication channels they need to be notified.