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FinestGov™ Scheduling Module

FinestGov™ Scheduling Module provides several methods to define routes, to schedule visits, and to assign them to a certain employee.  Each company or industry can adapt the best and the most relevant way to schedule visits.  During the day, new schedules can be created, and the system will automatically notify field workers in real-time of any changes that could be sent from the central office or that could be adjusted by the artificial intelligence tools for better route optimization etc... as can be predefined by the management.

Schedules can be done in any of the following ways:


Defining routes, their frequency and their periodical patters – e.g. Monday through Thursday each week, and defining all the sites and all the checkpoints that need to be included in the route and their frequency and the periodical pattern.  The system will generate routes with visits based upon the information entered


Using a visual calendar.  This option provides complete visibility over the routes and their scheduled visits



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FinestGov™ makes Field Operations and Facility Management  easy and efficient and offers numerous benefits in speed, efficiency, REAL TIME communication, instant access & knowledge, customer value, emergency preparedness and disaster and fraud prevention among numerous other benefits.