About Us

The FinestGov Group of Companies serves a number of corporations, government agencies, municipalities, nonprofit and for profit organizations. Our main products and services are technologies that serve off site and out of the office employees in the fields of oil and gas, logistics, security, safety, maintenance, inspections and numerous other fields. Founded as a technology company, FinestGov has transitioned into a holding company that supplies petroleum and gas products, technology solutions and so much more.

We provide a completely integrated, information and workflow management systems, platforms to improve efficiency, effectiveness, empowerment and control and access to large quantities of petroleum and gas products.

Currently our products and services are utilized by over 600 customers, including a number of large cities, oil and gas companies, and government agencies. We protect and manage schools, government buildings, military and police departments and entire cities, and supply them the fuel that keep their engines running and their lights on. From shopping centers, and hotels, to oil delivery companies and large construction companies, major port authorities and airports we manage all of their employees and their inventory, and supply them with energy.

We are working in a partnership with several major global energy production groups to streamling their production, logistics, operations and sales and to deliver high quality petroleum products to customers as quickly and as inexpensively as possible.

We are constantly coming up with new ways to delight our customers, to solve their problems, and to deliver both technology solutions and logistical petroleum, gas and other commodity solutions for them. All of these are available to all of our customers, and being uniquely both a technology company and an oil and gas sales companies, allows for some amazing new ways of helping our customers using skills and tools borrowed from other industries. Our systems are designed to be completely integratabtle and modular, and offer new ways to communicate with employees, partners, sub contractors and other important individuals, and the usefulness of the whole eco system is improved for all both in corporate management and in petroleum product management, logistics and acquisitions.

We offer platforms that gather, process and store valuable information that is presented to all the agencies and management layers involved in every type of way that they require to be more productive and to deliver their services to the public and to their customers, and to the oversight agencies in the best way possible, and provide one of the best ways in which to acquire petroleum products, technology solutions and other products and services.


Please contact us today to find out more about how we can be of help and about the access we can offer.